EYFS Framework

“Every Adventure requires a First Step” – Cheshire Cat

A curriculum program must engage, entertain and enlighten. Fun and gaiety infuse with information to help a child develop cognitively, socially and emotionally. The years between zero and five are critical in a child’s development and our early childhood programs reinforce and expand their capacity to learn. An 8:1 child to adult ratio ensures personal attention and care to each child. Rewarding learners are children who can identify and involve with the curriculum.

We follow the EYFS framework, as a dream start requires dedicated strategy:

  • Setting high standards for the learning, development and care of our children, we ensure that every child makes progress and that no child is left behind.
  • Providing for equality of opportunity, ensuring that every child is included and not at a disadvantage due to concerns of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability – this includes children who may be Gifted and Talented in areas of learning.
  • Creating a partnership between parents and the school in which regular communication and mutual support is fundamental.
  • Laying a secure foundation for future learning that is planned around the individual needs and interests of the child, and informed by the use of ongoing observational assessment.

Children will often be informally consulted about their learning environments and learning opportunities – we will consistently endeavour to follow their interests to ensure planned activities and themes are motivating.